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Thinking out loud

What I meant by that is, that Project Makom will only be able to attract those who are still consciously trying to find a way to be “frum”. It addresses individuals who are challenging and questioning their way of life, usually because it is extremely unpleasant for them.

There is a different type of situation, where the young man or woman does not care any more, or never did care about keeping the Torah. They are emotionally burned out, and no amount of intellectual understanding or reasoning provides a respite from their misery. They don’t know what they believe, nor do they care. They just want to be FREE. FREE of all rules that have been used to control them, and repeatedly prevented them from any form of self-determination. For those individuals, it is not necessarily the severity of the rules, but the very idea that someone else’s rules can prevent their happiness. And so Modern Orthodoxy does not interest them. It still has rules. It still requires submission to a halachic decisor (the Rabbi). They have become convinced that rules are arbitrarily created by people who want to control others. These individuals still need a place to figure themselves out. They need to be able to talk about ANYTHING without being judged, in order to understand themselves, and accept themselves as they are now. For the time being, any suggestion of organized religion or belief systems will elicit intense emotions, including fierce anger. I do not think exposure to other practicing Orthodox families is indicated at that stage.