Reply To: Why Yidden are the BEST!

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Pashuteh Yid

The postings of some here that Jews are better than others means that they are baalei gayvah which means that they are worse than others.

We are only better because as posuk says lo merubchem chashak hashem bachem ki atem hameat mikol haamim, and Rashi say memaatim atzmechem. We are anavim who appreciate everything and everybody from all walks of life and from all nations, and show boundless hakaras hatov to all who have helped the world in any way.

Our yashrus comes from anivus, and the feeling that we must always stive to do more for the world. The hasmadah and ethics of our avos remains imprinted in us so that even those who are not frum often accomplish great things as well, in so many areas.

Empty bragging that we are better because we have the Torah is the antithesis of all the Torah represents.