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Joseph, MO doesn’t say it is a mitzva to get a secular degree for the sake of the degree.

PY, it depends who’s defining Modern Orthodoxy. Wikipedia lists multiple definitions, and it also lists Norman Lamms:

As articulated by Rabbi Norman Lamm, in a widely quoted paragraph:

Torah, faith, religious learning on one side and Madda, science, worldly knowledge on the other, together offer us a more over-arching and truer vision than either one set alone. Each set gives one view of the Creator as well as of His creation, and the other a different perspective that may not agree at all with the first … Each alone is true, but only partially true; both together present the possibility of a larger truth. (ibid, p. 236)


In other words, according to Norman Lamm, a degree for the sake of a degree is a great thing, as it gives us a vision into a larger truth.