Reply To: College, Secular Studies & Judaism

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PY, there was a discussion in the Jewish Observer a while back. Norman Lamm wrote in to defend himself. In regard to the question of making the bracha (or birchas haTorah) on the chemistry lab (as Torah and Madda are both 2 parts of the same whole in his philosophy), he said that he never actually said halacha lemaasaeh that that’s what one should do. Rather, it was a hypothetical, based on his line of reasoning. The JO responded that if that was the logical conclusion of his philosophy, then whether or not he goes so far as to say it is irrelevant, as it shows the whole shtus of his philosophy. You can agree or disagree with the JO as you choose. However, his essay did propose making a bracha on the chemistry lab, as Torah and Madda were 2 halves of a whole.

As much as my rabbonim hold college for parnassah is muttar, they never said that when you die, Hashem will ask you “kavata itim lemadda?” They will ask you asakta bene’emanus,

I saw somthing interesting in the Sukkos issue of mishpacha, which I confirmed after Sukkos via googling it. Sir Isaac Newton was a Hebraist, and studied the Rambam in depth. There are pictures of his notes on his Hebrew studies. We run to madda for wisom, and he’s running to Torah for wisdom. Hebrew University had a display of his documents showing his studies.