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Jothar, regarding your earlier post that everybody is modeh to number 3 that college is mutar for parnasa, this is adamantly not the Chareidi viewpoint. You can Google Rav Svei and Touro and see he was against it for parnasa. I showed that Reb Moshe felt the same way, and Reb Aharon for sure felt that way. Reb Shmuel Berenbaum did not allow college at the Mir, and ended second seder at 8 pm to make sure nobody could go at night. The Chareidi yeshivos in EY do not even allow high school. Do you think that if a Chareidi parent would ask his yeshiva ketana to give him some secular classes in HS so he can make a parnasa later on, they would comply? The mainstream Chareidi world was against college for any and all reasons, and they felt that using it for parnasa was a lack of bitachon. The main proponent of college for parnasa was Rabbi Soloveitchik who wrote that we need a generation of frum, learned doctors and lawyers and professionals.
Because the yeshivishe world has now come to the realization that college may be absolutely necessary for many, they have reinvented the machlokes. They now claim that they always held that way, and the opposition was to those people who go to college lishma and not for parnasa. They therefore reinvent Rabbi Soloveitchik’s shita, as well (otherwise, what are they arguing about, as everybody would agree), and claim he said one should go to college even not for parnasa, just lishma. I am not sure he ever said such a thing.