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I assume that “regular” jokes won’t cut it here (such as translating the above joke into one about managed health plans), so here’s an anecdote that is “Yeshiva world” appropriate:

A Rav is giving a shiur in Gemara Succah to baal habattim. The sugya is regarding what walls are kosher. The gemara says that we learn from hoitzoa on shabbos, and we say migu that the walls which work for hoitzoa will also work for succah. So someone pipes up and asks, “I thought we hold ‘migu l’hoitzee lo amrinan’?”

The Rav thinks for a minute how to best answer this. Clearly he has a soft touch because he finally replied, “Yes, ‘migu l’hoitzee lo amrinan’, but ‘migu l’hoitzee U’L’HOVEE amrinan’!

I hope I didn’t give away my identity by sharing that story!