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so good it bears repeating, from the time before B”Y left.



Top ten ways you know you are on a bad date:

10. I am so not getting onto with this guy/girl

9. Please Please Hashem, let there be no one here I know

8. That’s so weird, this ceiling has 48 tiles. Unlike the floor which has 47.

7. I now realize that “being set up” can mean two different things.

6. I’ll just spell “help” out with my utensils and maybe someone will understand.

5. I miss work.

4. Yisurin shel ahava… Yisurin shel ahava

3. If I call myself on my cell phone, will it ring?

2. This girl/guy puts the “uch” in shidduch.

1. I will never ever trust my mother again
