Reply To: whos gotten annoyed with college?

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Syag Lchochma – I think you should really consider getting the Masters Degree. If you plan on working 10 years you would make an additional $90,000 at a cost of only $14,000.00, over 600% or a rate of return of over 60% per year. Where can you get a return like that.

In most Litvish boy’s yeshivas by 7th grade morning prayers start at 7:30 AM and school ends at 6:00 PM. In high school there is an evening session from 7:00 – 9:00 which starts at once a week in 9th grade and increases each year so that by 12th grade it’s four night Monday – Thursday. When you went to College you left yeshiva at 6:00 PM and from 7-10 were in college (we prayed in between classes) and then went home to eat and sleep. Nobody studied 10 hours for a quiz. If you didn’t understand a concept there was always someone who was in your class or took it last year that would answer your questions during lunch time.