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Even if ALL Kollel guys were shteiging away in the most emesdig and shtark manner, realistically, there will come a time when THEIR generation will have to support the next generation, and they will have little or no means or skills to do so. Momma and Poppa cannot be around forever, and not everyone has a family business to inherit, even if parents were so inclined to support their kids (which I think is not a good precedent personally, because it keeps them dependent).

In my opinion, those girls who only want learners are being brought up all their lives to believe that THAT is the only correct way of life. If they were brought up to believe that earning AND learning was the proper Derech, that would be their mindset and norm. If it were so that ONLY learning all day were the way of life, Hashem would not have given us a so many Halachos regarding Trumos, Maasros, Leket, Shikcha, Peah, Bikurim, Orla, korbonos (someone has to be the cattleman)and masah u’matan, because there would BE no agricultural workers or business dealings, as everyone would be in Yeshivah. Clearly that is NOT what Hashem was telling us.

There HAS to be a certain amount of hishtadlus in making parnassah, from the time that Adam and Chava were thrown out of Gan Eden, and Adam was told he (not she) would bring forth lechem by the sweat of his brow. We are no longer zochim to receive mohn m’Shamayim, and the present system of young wives doing it ALL, is also not the ideal. Women are meant to be an EIZER not “in lieu of.”

I am machsiv learning. It’s important, it’s as necessary to us as breathing, it’s beautiful, and it is enjoyable for those who are learning Torah with temimus. But is is also a luxury to do so ALL DAY at the expense of one’s wife and family.Im ein kemach, ein Torah. There are a lot of burnt out wives who are wondering why the utopian lifestyle with which their seminary teachers indoctrinated them, is not what they are experiencing. And though there ARE exceptions, I believe thst many girls are now questioning what they got themselves into. Off my sopabox now.