Reply To: Ladies First – Is it respectful or not?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Ladies First – Is it respectful or not? Reply To: Ladies First – Is it respectful or not?


The Torah Temimah and Rav Emden and some of the others lived fairly recently. In fact, the Torah Temimah passed away in the 1940s and even lived in America for a time. So it was the way of the world from Matan Torah through the modern era and only changed when Susan B. Anthony or Betty Friedan came along?

None of that matters. I was throwing you a bone. Don’t want it? That’s fine… but my point still remains – saying that a marriage must be the way Rabbi Miller describes it (or else it’s not a successful marriage) is just plain wrong.

Many people claim that they see with their own own eyes and/or experience that toeiva “marriages” are “successful couples” where the so-called “marriage” works.

Really??? You’re comparing a marriage of the type we’re discussing to a homosexual marriage? You think that they’re both the same???

The Wolf