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Not true. Maybe you had such personal experience. My experience was different. My kids were not allowed on the bus, or if they walked to school were sent home. I know many others who had similar experiences. I will refrain from exposing names of schools, but they know who they are. What shocks me beyond belief is that they do this rejection shamelessly.
The fact that the wrong person is getting punished, that punishment is being used altogether, that there is total disregard for the needs of the individual student, that ignores the effects and impact of embarrassment and rejection of a child.
We have all heard the excuse that there is justification that one may destroy an individual in order to benefit the public. There happens to be no precedent in Torah for this thinking. Quite the contrary. There are countless anecdotes from the greatest Gedolim of generations that disallow such rejection of the individual. Allow a quote. The Chazon Ish ZT”L stated that the initial mission of opening yeshivos after the holocaust was to replant Torah. In that mission, the goal was to address the directing of chinuch to the masses. However, that transplantation has already occurred successfully. The mission of chinuch now needs to be directed to the individual. So said the Chazon Ish, who left us some 60 years ago. Where, oh, where is the attention to the individual talmid?