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moi aussi -“Shulchan Aruch, Even HaEzer 1:13:

“lo teshev isho belo ish shelo techoshed”

a woman should not remain without a husband because of suspicion”

Yes, this is the way we Pasken!

“Hilchot Issurei Biyah

“shelo yiso zoken yalda shedovor zeh gorem l’znus”

an old man shall not marry a young woman as this will lead to adultery”

Mentioned above previously -it says Yalda -a girl less than 12, not young woman!

“Yevamot 101b

“k’lech etsel shekmosech ve’al tachnis ketata letoch beisech”

a man shall marry a woman of his age and not bring strife into his home”

This was discussed on page 1 & 2 of this topic! Please read all posts before posting.

“Hilchot Issurei Biyah 21:26

“reshus le’isho shelo tinoseh le’olam”

a woman has permission not to ever marry”

The Rambam is a Rishon. We Pasken like the Shulchan Aruch.

“Reb Akiva Eiger

In a place where there’s no suspicion, a woman has no obligation to marry”

This means a town with No men or just Men whom can’t have kids. In other words bascially an all Women town.

So it comes out a Woman has a CHIYUV to get married!