Reply To: Take the TV out of the Restaurant or we will shut you down

Home Forums Bais Medrash Take the TV out of the Restaurant or we will shut you down Reply To: Take the TV out of the Restaurant or we will shut you down


Joseph: So you’re justifying the nezek that happened to Touro? Not to mention the motzei shem ra? And sheker (as the quotes by R’ Moshe were fabrications)?

Look I’m glad that you, despite your obvious misgivings, have chosen a life of kollel. But for the vast majority of people, we cannot all live on tzedaka. And making a parnoso in most cases means some form of post-high school education.

R’ Elya was never against colleges. He was merely opposed to Touro as he felt it was trying to make college into an Yiddishe thing. R’ Shach also had very complex opinions on college that in no way can be summed up with a vague quote from one of his seforim about “YU type institutions” (of which Touro is a completely different zach). He was talking about Ma’arava in Eretz Yisroel and he privately encouraged people to attend even though for political reason he opposed it.