Reply To: Zionists, Chareidim, and Handouts

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Akuperma wrote: “If Israeli hareidim want to free of zionist control, they need to reject zionist funding.”

Can you show an instance where this has actually happened? Not the govt. sputtering and threatening to intervene, but actually closing a mosad or forcing a change in curriculum? If you can, I suggest arranging a meeting with Rav A.L. Shteinman and Rav C. Kanievsky, and try to persuade THEM to accept your point of view. Arguing with me or anyone else on this forum is not going to change the way the chareidi tzibbur thinks and conducts itself.

Joseph: I was being sarcastic about the Chazon Ish “not thinking about it.” Of course, he thought about it. And he still paskened the way he did. Emmanuel was an ENTIRELY different story. The sad story of chareidi discrimination against “others” (it is also perpetrated against “Americans” [unless you have gobs of money to ‘donate’ to the mosad you want to get your child into) and against ba’alei teshuva. It is a sociological problem that some folks have tried to transform into a religious issue. The govt. tried to intervene saying no discrimination in schools that accept govt. funding. So, after trying to “jail” a few parents for a day or two, they were released. The parents who insisted on continuing to discriminate opened their own school.

Aside from some occasional govt. sputtering and threatening to intervene, I cannot think of any instance of it happening.

Indeed, “our tax shekels at work” — in accordance with the opinion of the Gedolei Torah. You think it should be otherwise. I’ll give you the same advice I wrote to Akuperma. Arrange a meeting with the gedolim here, and try to argue your case. You need to persuade the gedolim, not me. Of course, when Reb Chaim Kanievsky will ask you why you are living in the U.S. and not here, you will need to come up with a good explanation.

Takahmamash: question: do you mean ALL da’as Torah or just the opinion of those whose opinion you somehow don’t agree with? Is the da’as Torah expreessed by Rav Yoel mi’Satmar infallible?

One more time: we don’t expect the Satmars to abandon their Rebbe and to follow our rabbonim; Satmar ought not expect us to abandon our rabbonim and gedolim and follow theirs.