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yichusdik: We know that Moshe Rabbeinu and Dovid Hamelech sinned because *the Torah says so.* Not because someone figured it out or made some arbitrary statement about them. The issue of “infallibility” is simply that some people consider certain Gedolim’s opinions to be authoritative and binding. And that there is no one around today with enough cred or “plaitzes” to argue with them. Just as an example, but not meaning to exclude others, the Chofetz Chaim and the Chazon Ish come to mind. Is some fellow who learned 3-4 years in kollel in a position to argue with them either in halacha or in hashkafa? Is someone who learned 10 years in kollel in such a position? Only someone on their level is a bar plugta. So, indeed Rav Elyashiv DID argue in psak on both the Mishna Berura and the Chazon Ish. Some Chazon Ish-niks in Bnei Brak disregard any such hasagos on the Chazon Ish, claiming that he was not in a position to argue on the Chazon Ish. Rav Chaim Kanievsky does not follow every single psak of his late father-in-law! But, this is all a machlokes among gedolim and tzadikkim. Less-qualified people, even if they have semicha, for sure have no business arguing with those greater than them either in halacha or in hashkafa. The matter becomes complicated when we have a situation where I consider Rav A more qualified than Rav B whereas someone else considers the opposite to be true. It’s often nearly impossible to reconcile such disputes (“my rabbi is bigger than your rabbi”) and we just have to let people act according to their understanding. This situation is the cause of friction and dispute between religious Jews. I think that only Moshiach will have the authority to resolve such problems.