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Home Forums Yom Tov Sukkos What is the Sukkah all about? Reply To: What is the Sukkah all about?


I just heard this in a shiur and thought it was really nice.

Take a minute to ask yourself: who am I really? Am I a body -my external being -my clothes and my hair and my features etc…, or am I a soul -my internal being -my thoughts, my feelings, my neshama?

In this world, we are constantly waging a war between what our body wants, and what our souls want.

On Yom Kippur, we are telling Hashem that we are clearly souls. We cry out to Him and beg Him to forgive us for all the uncleanliness we have brought upon our neshamas. But on Y’K, it’s easy to identify as a soul. We don’t eat, don’t drink.. we stay in shul all day and daven.

The real test as identifying as a soul comes on Sukkos. Here, we have grand meals, we sing & dance, we have vacation (hopefully) from either work or school.. On Sukkos, we are telling Hashem that we are taking our entire guf – our whole physical being – and bringing it out into the Sukkah to bring it up to a spiritual level -a soul level. Here we show that our physical body, when used properly, is really one and the same with our soul.