Reply To: Twenty Questions – new round

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Twenty Questions – new round Reply To: Twenty Questions – new round

Lilmod Ulelamaid

1. not a turtle.

2. not a person.

3. does it have something to do with judasim? yes.

4. does it have something to do with tznius? Interesting question. It is often very strongly connected to tznius,and people probably should connect it to tznius more often than they do. However, it is not the usual association, so thinking about tznius may confuse you.

5. Is it chulent? no

6. Shabbos afternooon nap? no

7. Article of clothing? no

8. Is it a Sefer? no (good question).

9. Can you hold it in your hands? no. (good question. there’s another similar question you can ask that is even better).