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Home Forums Politics If Trump becomes president, I'm moving to Canada… Reply To: If Trump becomes president, I'm moving to Canada…


I make no bones about being a liberal Dem who is involved in politics and was in attendance at the convention.

I personally know Both of the Clintons since there days at Yale Law School. Mrs. Clinton is a brilliant person with a trues grasp of national and world affairs and in the Senate showed she can work across the aisle to accomplish her agenda.

Trump is an opportunist, a failed businessman and husband. His multiple bankruptcies and pattern of not paying contractors in full for labor is despicable. He has no grasp of foreign policy, hires terrible advisors and if they don’t have the nerve to agree with him all the time he utters his famous ‘you fired’ and they are gone missing quite a bit of salary raised.

Trump has turned the campaign into a personal cash cow, enriching his companies and family. It would be an embarrassment to have Melania as First Lady. Bill Clinton may have had his sexual indiscretions years ago, but there are no disgusting nude photos of him circulating in the media.

Remember one thing, if President Obama had stood on the convention podium with 5 children born of three mothers white America would have torn him to shreds. Because Trump is supposedly wealthy (no tax returns released) his infidelity, multiple marriages to questionable women is excused. Grandpa Trump was a saloon keeper and pimp, running prostitutes in the Klondike. Daddy Trump was a housing magnate who discriminated against blacks. Donald is a serial adulterer, liar and failed businessman. You could send the whole clan back to their hometown in Germany and there’d be no loss to America. Just because one Trumpette had a conversion and married Jewish doesn’t sanitize the family.