Reply To: Trump is a democrat party plant

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🍫Syag Lchochma

jf – I think he was answering me. He used the term “wiring” which, in my experience, has always referred to the brain (different terms are used for other systems)and he was clarifying to me that he did not mean it in that way.

I have no interest in this back and forth, I find studies boring and only read them when needed so can I ask you an on topic but personal-feeling, as opposed to research-based-facts question?

Say you have a study, such as the ones you quote, or studies about children with downs syndrome or studies about hyperactivity – any study with that same level of definitive fact studies. Let’s say you have read that the studies are very firm on specific traits, but that you have worked with these individuals by the hundreds and don’t really see the same pattern or don’t see it as more than a 75%. I’m curious how you, as an individual, approaches that reality. Again, this isn’t to bring out my earlier point, it is because I am genuinely curious to know how you would approach it.