Reply To: Trump is a democrat party plant

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coffee addict – i know someone well enough thats friends with some people in my family who is transgender so i know a lot about transgender. i highly disagree with their view point. i see nothing different about being a male or female or why someone would insist on being a male or female. there the same thing. not literally the same thing but they all get the same stuff, all treated the same way, etc… at lest they should be. i feel like the person is “making fun of girls” by becoming a girl. i want to tell him off for it but wont since many of them end up committing suicide so i will just ignore him for now and allow him to “live live like a girl” whatever that means. i see no difference. but moral is treat everyone with love even if you dont respect them because you dont want them committing suicide because of you. and unfortunately many people dont treat people they disagree with with enough respect making them go and do dumb stuff like commit suicide. “vahavta leraicha kamocha”. no matter if you agree with the persons opinion or not.