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Lilmod Ulelamaid

Why is it so important to learn the Halachos of Shmiras Haloshon?

To quote from “Chofetz Chaim A Lesson A Day” by Rav Shimon Finkelman and Rav Yitzchak Berkowitz:

Knowledge of the Aggadic teachings regarding loshon hora must be complemented by study of the laws of proper speech. In the words of Midrash Mishlei (1:2): ” ‘To know wisdom and mussar [inspirational, ethical instruction] (Mishlei 1:2) – If one has wisdom [i.e. knowledge of halacha] then he can study mussar, but if he lacks wisdom, then he cannot study mussar.” The Midrash’s intent is clear: If a person is not knowledgeable in teh laws of a given topic, then no amount of mussar will help him.

For example: If a businessman thinks that a given practice is not robbery, [when, in fact it is] then what good wiill it do to inform him of the severity of the sin of robbery? The same applies to all other negative commandments. Therefore, one must study the Torah’s laws to know what is permitted and what is forbidden, and he must also learn the

mussar teachings which inspire a person to fear Hashem. Through study of such teachings, one arouses he soul toward observance of Torah, aside from fulfilling the positive commandment, “Fear Hashem, your G-d” (Devarim 10:20).

And so it is with regard to shmiras haloshon. Of what benefit will all the mussar in the world be, if one convinces himself that a given forbidden statement s not in the category of loshon hora?! Or, if he tells himself that the laws of loshon hora do not apply when speaking of a certain individual [when, in fact, they do]?!

Therefore, it is imperative that one know what is and what is not in the category of loshon hora according to halacha. This study should be complemented by inspirational study of the relevant Aggadic teachings. (Day 4/p.57)