Reply To: Seminary Help: BY/MO, out-of-town, maybe Zionistic

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kj- I agree with LU. The OP was asking about seminaries, not about the shita of zionism. when she mentioned a zionist seminary, she was not talking about secular zionism, or a place that teaches kefira, but about a frum school that emphasizes ahaavat eretz yisroel. What exactly do you think goes on in such a school that she needs saving from? They will be taught that it is a mitzva to live in EY and they will say hallel on yom haatzmaut. It may be a bracha l’vatala according to many shitos, but I would not call it kefira. We know the satmar shita on zionism; so do the Religious Zionists and note that their rabbanim have not changed their shita in all this time. So there really is no point bringing up the Satmar shita when it was not asked for and will not be heeded.