Reply To: What happened with the Tallis/Tefillin search?

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Lilmod Ulelamaid

“The comment is general”

It was a general comment made in a specific context. It clearly implies that there was irresponsibility in this case – otherwise, why is it suddenly being mentioned here?

Think about it this way – if chas v’shalom, you left your child in the car, and there was c”v, lo aleinu, a tragedy, and someone started a thread about it, and then someone wrote a post about how people should be careful not to leave kids in cars, how would you feel? Would you think, “that comment was a general comment that had nothing to do with me, and just happened to be mentioned in the middle of a conversation about me?”

I don’t think “clearly” applies

btw, according to halacha, if you don’t mention someone’s name, but it is clear who you are referring to, it is still L”H.