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Will Hill. Your question to me is silly. It is what they call a Red Herring. It deflects the discussion from the crux of the discussion to some side point.

The Rabbonim named on this letter about TV (those who are still alive), also declared that one should not have internet access. I am not aware that the Rabbonim have stated it is muttar to have internet access IF…..

The same way you have a hetter to be online (work, filters, whatever), people use the same argument to have a TV in their home. Only news, etc…

That you do not like their decision is not their problem. They never suggested you go out and by a television, not you are or anyone else. To categorically state that someone will lose their olam habbah because they own a TV is, in my opinion, stupid, ignorant and dangerous. None of the Rabbonim cited above would ever make such a comment. We all know it.