Reply To: The Real Number 1 Anti-Semite in the US

Home Forums Controversial Topics The Real Number 1 Anti-Semite in the US Reply To: The Real Number 1 Anti-Semite in the US

Avi K


1. I dispute your assertion that most gedolim were against the medina.

2. Duke and his ilk will condemn us no matter what. If we keep to ourselves we are clannish and don’t care about the country. If we do not we are trying to take over.

Yehudayona, while there were problems in the absorption of the Eidot HaMizrach, many do to the economic facts of the time,they were immediately given citizenship and equal rights.Contrast this with the fact that Arab refugees are kept in squalor by Arab governments. Even the US does not allow an immigrant to become a citizen until he has lived there continuously for five years, passes a citizenship test and pledges exclusive allegiance to the US and his readiness to take up arms to defend it if called. Even then he cannot become President even if he grew up in the US.