Reply To: Would you post NEGATIVE Info about yeshiva/Sem/Camps??

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Would you post NEGATIVE Info about yeshiva/Sem/Camps?? Reply To: Would you post NEGATIVE Info about yeshiva/Sem/Camps??


Wouldnt it be fair to hear honest reviews ?

first of all you are in all likelihood hearing honest reviews.

you are just not hearing the other side, if there is one.

i know you are not a big proponent of adhering to Halachah, preferring “common sense”, but posting negative and or damaging information about a Jewish owned business on a public website is LASHON HORAH. lashon harah is ASSUR. it is WRONG and UGLY in the eyes of YOUR Creator.

i wont repeat what i said in my first post, feel free to read it, but there is a very big difference in Halachah between posting a public condemnation of a Jew or Jewish institution, and privately seeking such information for a constructive purpose.

so is there any value in such threads, i certainly think so. look through them. yyou will see descriptions of various types of philosophy, size, frumness, hashkafa, tuition, location, and much other useful information