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Sam2 -“Health: Why do you find it “much more disconcerting”? If you assume the situations are similar, it should be equally disconcerting.”

Because it’s Not equal! President-elect Trump and members of his family have been pressured by the liberal media to denounce the far- right groups. And they did!

“Finding Black Panthers “much more disconcerting” than Neo-Nazis and the KKK seems, well, misguided at absolute best.”

Stop misconstruing what I wrote! This is what I wrote:

“I find it much more disconcerting that Obama…”

The reason I wrote that – is because Obama openly supported the Black Panthers!

From a conservative website:

“On the 2008 Obama campaign website there was a profile on the radical group along with a picture of their symbol.

The fact that our president would openly support this group in public, much less associate with them on a campaign website, is beyond comprehension.”