Reply To: Is Midrash Rabbah translated by Rabbi Dr. H. Freedman kosher?

Home Forums Seforim, Books, & Reading Is Midrash Rabbah translated by Rabbi Dr. H. Freedman kosher? Reply To: Is Midrash Rabbah translated by Rabbi Dr. H. Freedman kosher?


Ylavon, thank you for your answer. It’s always gratifying to read a post that presents the facts accurately. I am nowhere near as learned as you, but even from the little I know, I can see that reading a translation of a passuk or a Rashi always misses something, even if it’s just a slight nuance. Lashon Kodesh is a very precise language; the grammatical construction of every word holds worlds of meaning. The Chachamim who wrote the Torah She’Baal Peh likewise were very selective in their choice of language. Their brief statements hold so much meaning that is often lost when attempting to translate into a different language.

There are those, however, who have no choice other than using a translation. I don’t think it would be correct to tell them to give up learning all together. There are translations that come from questionable sources that it is unwise, at times maybe even forbidden, to make use of; others written by Talmidei Chachmim can be a great help. Personally, I don’t use any Soncino translations. But “personally” is not an answer to the OP.

Is there someone out there, ylavon or other poster, who can offer the OP a serious answer to his question?

I hope so…