Reply To: Children on leashes

Home Forums Rants Children on leashes Reply To: Children on leashes

Lilmod Ulelamaid

I’m just wondering: All of you posters posting about harnesses:

1. Do you use a harness?

2. Do you personally know people who do? If yes, are they Frum?

3. Have you ever seen anyone use a harness?

4. Is this whole thing a joke or serious?

5. What is a harness anyhow? Never saw one – wouln’t know what it was if I bumped into it.

Tonight, in the Shopping Center, I did notice a donkey hanging out by itself w/o any kind of harness or owner in sight, peacefully eating grass. I guess in a country where animals wander around by themselves, no one would consider using a harness for a child if they don’t even use it for animals.