Reply To: The Death of the "Normal" Minyan

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OY! I agree. This is one of my pet peeves. We have three minyonim in our shul. The first minyan is a 45 minute one and is called a slow minyan!?

Yeshiva minyonim should take 50-55 min+, as this time of one’s life, when you have no pressure of work or family, is where you should do every thing in the best possible way. But otherwise 45 minutes should be a minimum.

What really upsets me is when a minyan starts late for whatever reason, (previous minyan delayed or waiting for a 10th man, etc) so they ‘speed up’ to finish at the same time.

What helps me is to imagine you are talking to a King, or President, or even a policeman. You wouldn’t mumble as quickly as possible or walk up and down, or read the notice board etc. We have such an opportunity to talk to the Creator of the world 3 times every day!!! How can you rush that?