Reply To: Divorce in the jewish community

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LU: “I think Person1 has a point. All these posts from several posters about how abuse is not abuse if it’s not physical and how people should stay in bad marriages, etc, can be kind of dangerous.”

If that was all I would have let it pass (though that’s dangerous too) but he went as far as saying that our past glory was gained by tolerating (or encouraging) abuse:

“Furthermore, In every glorious community,kehilla,country ,empire

that people look back nostalgically, there were were many who were stepped on and were abusive to some.

Froth all you wish ,but it was through those means that greater glory was gained for all”

and than he said women might be ok with (or fond of?) being abused

“Ponder please this also

Which books-

for women ,

are some of the hottest bestsellers in recent years?

Those which females are being abused?!

And women seem to be unable to get enough!”

I’m rereading (and pondering) the last quote again and again maybe at some point it’d seem less crazy.