Reply To: Divorce in the jewish community

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Enough Divorces: Understandable and thank you for your voice

It would be nice to have people work on their relationships.

I wonder if being in a closed community also has benefits in that there are limited options or socially acceptable ways to just move on and find a new crowd. In Israel it’s def harder to get away. So maybe that forces people to live with each other and face themselves.

In the secular US, it’s easier to escape the world you grew up in at least in some way. That helps for someone who lived with abuse.

At the same time, if the individualsame who got away with abusive behavior had to be accountable or else, perhaps cases of abuse wouldn’t become so severe.

Perhaps there would be positive character reformation where the labels wouldn’t even apply in the unfortunate way that they are used today.

Even in the way that I’m using them.

Since this thread can go on and on, what positive things can we say here to inspire us and make this an uplifting thread beyond the hardship we’ve shared and discussed?

This morning I thought about how if one keeps going and improving oneself then in time the right relationship will be ready where someone will also want to put in the same work that oneself is investing.

Knowing about divorces is motivation to be committed to continually working on relationships.

Thank you for reminding us that marriages can work with mutual and consistent gratitude and effort 🙂