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Lilmod Ulelamaid

Mik5: “lilmod ulelamaid – Regarding a person who uttered the name of G-d in the blessing of Shema Koleinu and subsequently reminded himself that he neglected to pray for dew and rain, it is a machlokes between the Chofetz Chaim and HaGaon HaRav Moshe Feinstein zecher tzaddik l’vracha”

Thanks for the info. I wasn’t aware of that. I will have to look it up when I have a chance.

All my information came from the Mishna B’rurah and Dirshu notes. I had been told that I can rely on Dirshu for the contemporary opinions and chilukei deios on the MB. And I don’t think he mentioned this.

After I read your post, it occurred to me that I don’t think he quotes Rav Moshe Feinstein very much if at all. Since he lives in EY, it’s possible that he sticks with the Israeli Poskim. But since I teach Americans, I should try to find out, if possible, what the American Poskim (such as Rav Moshe, Zatsal) say.

Thank you for making me aware of that fact.

In any event, it is probably fairly safe to assume that none of the Israeli Poskim are choleik on the MB, since R’ Dirshu would probably have brought it down if it were the case.