Reply To: Is "Haredism" a Movement?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Is "Haredism" a Movement? Reply To: Is "Haredism" a Movement?

Lilmod Ulelamaid

I don’t know why anyone is bringing up Sephardim in the first place. Sfardim is not a category the way any of the others are. It is not a hashkafa and it is not a matter of choice. According to halacha, you are Sephardi if your father is Sephardi and you have to follow the Sephardi halachos. There is no machlokes on this – everyone agrees to this whether they are Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Chareidi, or Dati-Leumi. You can find Sephardim who are Dati-Leumi or Chareidi because it is not connected. It is like talking about whether or not South-Africans are Dati-Leumi or Chareidi. They can be either one.