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MW13 and Joseph: although the article keeps on harping about residents’ fears that their homes’ values will fall, it does admit at one point in the article that it’s not actually so, and I quote:

“With space at a premium, aggressive home-buying solicitations have led to accusations of blockbusting, although the term actually refers to the practice of persuading homeowners to sell cheaply, playing on fears that people from a different race or class are moving into a neighborhood. In fact, despite critics’ fears that an influx of ultra-religious Jews will hurt property values, the opposite is true in Ramapo, where houses normally sell at a tidy profit.”

So it needs to be read carefully to get to the truth, but they’re not lying outright. I also thought its emphasis on photos from Kaser was misleading, as Kaser is only a small part of Monsey, that’s its own village and denser than most of Monsey/Spring Valley.