Reply To: Psak of Rav Kook on Chazal vs Scientists

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I don’t think anything that anyone added about fruits vs vegetables contradicted the basic tenet of what I was trying to say, that Chazal has a separate definition of what is a fruit (pri haetz) and what is a vegetable (pri haadama) from botanists or cooks or the dictionary. By the way, what about the banana- it has seeds in it, grows on a tree-like plant high above the ground, would be considered a fruit by botanists and culinary experts, yet it is ha’adama because the tree is not permanent. My point is that we do not decide what bracha to make based on the botanists’ definition of fruit/vegetable.

By the way, LB, Blueberries and blackberries grow on high bushes that last from year to year and are Ha’etz, unlike strawberries.

Orla only applies to halachic trees.

AvramMD: “So pri seems to refer to the edible parts of plants.” or maybe pri just means “product of”, as in “pri bitna”.