Reply To: The #1 tragedy facing the Frum world in America is:

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee The #1 tragedy facing the Frum world in America is: Reply To: The #1 tragedy facing the Frum world in America is:


Even if you take away the word crisis, are there not many Jews who struggle in these areas?

Are you not asking people to stop thinking about situations that greatly impact their lives?

The whole tuition criss, which is also a parnassah crisis, imho is a pretty big deal when parents cannot afford to put their children in school and cannot afford to not have them in school.

Labeling a crisis a crisis isn’t really the issue. The frustration it seems is that the solutions aren’t accessible. Understandably people don’t want to hear about it. However for someone going through it, or stuck in it for decades without relief, perhaps being in the same crisis boat is better than feeling pressured to keep silent in the struggle.