Reply To: Jews in the Trump administration

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“It amazes me how some people(liberals) are comparing Trump to [H]” (kfb)

kfb: I don’t have an opinion about the latter, and how Trump will be with Jews.

That said, based on my research and educational background, I have intentionally compared T to H. Mind you, I lack a PhD in Hitler and Nazi Germany. Meanwhile I did study advanced Hitler and Nazi Germany for my bachelor’s degree. However, I am not going to woo anyone with my credentials.

Here is the deal:

Hitler rose to power with a simple strategy. He insisted on reviving German culture. Even when Germany was not a country, the German people, with their German language had strong ties to their identity. WWI was a war of attrition. To say the least, Germany was disheartened. The German people were all too happy for a scapegoat. Mind you, antisemitism (read Anti-Judaism) was rampant already, especially in Vienna.

There were two options for the German people. Socialism or Hitler. Which was the lesser of the two evils?

Hitler brought in television ads highlighting his arrival on a plane into a land where boys worked in the fields, becoming men. Testosterone filled the air. The broken men of WWI, the broken people, suddenly had hope to become a strong nation once again.

Jews became the enemy. Initially Hitler wanted to just get rid of them, by any means. Madagascar didn’t work out. Other European countries weren’t helping. Finally Hitler took note of Russia’s labor camps and decided to follow suit. Eventually Hitler figured that the best means to make these Jews go away is to destroy them.

No one stopped Hitler. No objections to end his violence. Jews were the evil and Hitler was making Germany pure again.

Who is stopping Trump? He gets away with his rants. His supporters are sporting fists and guns and gaining confidence that they are in the right.

I do not believe that Trump is like Hitler because he is a threat to Jewish lives. He is a threat to all lives. Yet of course, he has made the people of Mexico, undocumented residents, the enemy here. He wants to build a wall. Madagascar? Yet how economically possible will that be?

He does not need to gas these individuals to destroy their lives. Rounding up people living here without federal permission and tossing their children, or parents back to another country will destroy families, lives, communities, and so forth.

Trump speaks of taking a handful of inappropriate-language referring to women, without acknowledging that he is talking about a human. He dehumanizes. He scapegoats. Anything was Hillary’s fault.

And are you not influenced? Talking about “liberals”? Were you original in that observation? Or did it come from media? From Trump? From the propaganda?

There are a billion connections here that I have failed to mention in this essay. Nevertheless, hopefully this provides some insight.

For me, Trump’s ascent alone is an echo of something that Jews of all people have the experience and history to prevent. Never again, we say. That was my pledge to my Holocaust professor. Am Yisroel Yizchor. So when I voted, I knew that as far and advanced as we have come, or believe we have come, it only takes one person to ignite a message of fire.

Also… You know that Trump used to keep Hitler’s speeches by his bedside, right? He studied Hitler. His father was involved in the KKK. These are not conspiracies. This is fact. He took note and has performed well.

Now he wants his advisors to continue his speaking engagements. Hitler to a T.