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What happened, you’re stumped?

Anyhow, B”H I got to a Rashba Chiddushei Aggados. He explains that Hashem speaks to us in a manner of begging us to live up to his expectations, as though it affects Him, Chalila. Therefore, Chazal also say that Hakadosh Baruch Hu is Mispalel. This means that He wants things to turn out good. Of course, the ball is in our hands, but Hashem wants us to be holy and righteous so that He can bestow His blessings, protection, closeness, good will and peace.

Hakadosh Baruch Hu asked Rebbe Yishmael to give Him a Bracha. Rebbe Yishmael’s Bracha was that Hashem should have pity on His children. This is what Hashem wants.

Although you might be wondering, what good is Rebbe Yishmael’s Bracha, doesn’t it depend on the merits of Klal Yisroel? To this the Rashba says that a Teffila of a Tzaddik can help. So in other words, Rebbe Yishmael Davened to Hashem that things should be good for His children, and that prayer was accepted as a Bracha.

The Aruch Hashulchan that Reb popa mentioned, is connecting this concept to Brachos in general. (The Rashba also says that that Gemara holds the key to Brachos in general.) By acknowledging that Hashem is Baruch; by attributing to Him that title and giving that praise, we are in essence giving Him our acknowledgement. When we do this and connect to, by recognizing, Hashem’s open hand, that causes more Brachos to come. But moreover, this is what Hashem wants.