Reply To: Anyone Have A Delicious Challah Recipe?

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This is THE best challah recipe. Guests often call after shabbos for the recipe.

3 Cups water

8 teaspoons yeast

1 1/3 Cups sugar

1 1/3 Cups oil

8 eggs

6 teaspoons salt

5 lb flour

Combine lukewarm water, yeast, sugar, oil, eggs, and half the flour in the mixing bowl.

* If you mix it with the regular cake beater (at this point) it kneads much better.

Add the salt.

* Switch to the dough hook and add remaining flour.

Let the dough rise for one hour.

* For a lighter challah, knead the dough again for a minute using the dough hook.

Let the dough rise an additional hour.

Braid the challah and let it rise for 1/2 an hour. If the dough is a little sticky, lightly grease your hands.

Bake: bilkelach – about 25 minutes (depending on size), small challahs – about 1/2 hour, medium challahs – about 40 minutes, large challahs – about 45 minutes.

* Tricks I’ve found that really made a difference in the challah’s texture.