Reply To: Sodium Benzoate preservative for hard boiled eggs

Home Forums Kashruth Sodium Benzoate preservative for hard boiled eggs Reply To: Sodium Benzoate preservative for hard boiled eggs


Meno: Good point. I provided no frame of reference.

$6.99 for 24 hard boiled eggs, good until March something.

Double the cost of a 24 pack of raw eggs.

Don’t remember how much a pack of 6 hard boiled eggs cost at Trader Joe’s. Maybe $3-4?

I pretty much microwave eggs now. If I had to make them at home, I think that I could boil five at a time in my saucepan/pot.

The bigger problem is that I love fresh warm hard boiled eggs. If I made them on my own, I would probably eat them all in one day. Though now that I eat sardines, my egg cravings have nearly subsided.

I think I will return them. I am not a fan of preservatives and I rather not have cholesterol city in my fridge.

Though again eating egg yolks in moderation is okay. At least my levels were good last I checked B”H.

Still eating animals is new to me, and I still have to tell myself that I am not an evil person and going to live despite what’s on my plate.