Reply To: Shutting Refugees out of America

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Little Frog, I think you are making it clear that you would be totally understanding of FDR’s reluctance to accept Jews during WWII to this country. You would say something like “Every law leaves some in discomfort, displeasure, disadvantage, deprivation etc. A law is made to benefit the LARGER picture, as much to a degree having to deprive the fewest possible.” The immigrants don’t speak English (true), will compete for our jobs (true), might become a burden on us (true), can’t all be vetted with perfect accuracy (true), etc. And thousands of Jews were sent back to die under the German reign of terror, as they indeed happened.

I understand that there are legit reasons for our being unable to accommodate all refugees. Maybe some are dangerous. Maybe the US, already trillions of dollars in debt, can’t afford to take in more people. Maybe some of the “refugees” are perfectly safe at home. Who knows. But if you were a person genuinely pained at heart by the suffering of innocent people, the way that I and so many yidden wished that the US and other countries had been 70 years ago, then as human beings, rachmanim bnei rachmanim, would be pained by the atrocities taking place in Syria and other countries, and we would not make jokes about this.