Reply To: Welcome YW Moderator-21 and YW Moderator-25

Home Forums YWN Main Site & Coffee Room Issues Welcome YW Moderator-21 and YW Moderator-25 Reply To: Welcome YW Moderator-21 and YW Moderator-25


25 is the day Chanukah starts, so of course it’s a good number.

LU hope I get a lollipop now…

Perhaps more new moderators are in the works as well, but I honestly don’t know.

Sorry for not replying to your request sooner, I was kind of in a bind. I was actually looking for your posts that got me started, with no success. In any case I figured sometimes silence is golden. And ftr, you’re far from dumb. Again, I’m sorry and hope you forgive me.

LB: I wouldn’t call LU the queen of L”H, the Queen of shmiras haloshen is what I’m assuming you meant.