Reply To: Looking for Affordable Housing in Warm(er) Jewish Community

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Looking for Affordable Housing in Warm(er) Jewish Community Reply To: Looking for Affordable Housing in Warm(er) Jewish Community


NC, wow I felt like maybe the OP felt pressured to make aliyah or feel guilty about not making it with all of these posts mentioning Israel. Glad that you said something.

It’s hard, imho, to ask for genuine help here and having someone throw “move to EY” as the end-all be-all solution.

Just because EY is the place for Klal Yisroel doesn’t mean that Hashem doesn’t have a reason for someone to be living chul right now.

So while one might mean well, sometimes, imho, it sounds like deflecting the OP’s question when posters jump in with EY EY EY locations.

Thank you