Reply To: Shadchanim

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BPTotty: There are many guys who are working but in an “ideal” world would like to be sitting and learning. They are associated with the yeshivish world but for whatever the reason may be are working. Someone like that…. who is machsiv torah and makes real time for learning, not a guy who is working but learns occasionally…..

AZ: not getting more names to call as MANY shadchanim have already heard from me/about me. I mean getting noticed more by shadchanim and getting quality dates. I literally do all those things that you just listed….. It feels like I am at a dead end though in terms of shidduchim.

An Idea: I wonder if there is a way for the moderators to be contacted directly and for yeshivaworld to have a specific sections that lists shadchanim, people who like to help in shidduchim, etc….