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If you need the money, you need the money regardless of whether you’re learning or working. Obviously, it’s better not to “schnor” if you don’t have to, but if you have to, you have to. It sounds like you are working hard and doing your best, so there is nothing to feel ashamed of if you are not making ends meet.
Maybe you should try to find some other solutions first. Is there anywhere you can cut expenses? Can you try getting a tuition break?
I think you should try speaking to Mesila. Maybe they can try to find an alternative solution. Of course, if you really need to “schnor” then you have no choice. But that should be a last-solution – only if you can’t come up with anything else.
What exactly do you mean by schnorring? Do you mean going door-to-door? If so, that should really only be a final solution after you have exhausted all other possibilities.
Personally this is what I would do (more or less in order)”
1. Daven and say parshas haMan.
2. See if I can cut expenses anywhere
3. Take on an additional job even if it means sleeping less (and spending Shabbos sleeping to make up for it)
4. Figure out if I can find a job that pays more. Maybe start studying/training for something that will pay more. (although the Chovos halevavos recommends against switching fields to something that is not “matim” for you just because it sounds like it pays better).
5. Borrow from gemachim
6. Beg or borrow from family members
7. Borrow from friends
8. Try to find an organization or B’aal Tzedaka who will help me
9. Keep davening the whole time. If you borrow, you have to daven that you will have the money to pay back.