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The Rabbi is 100% correct.

This has been discussed multiple times in the past on this forum.

I dotn think I’m contributing much that hasnt been said before.

“If you looked at an Ashkenazi Ben Torah from 250 years ago (i.e. pre-haskahah), it would look amazingly like a modern day hareidi.”

This is demonstrably false. for example: Most Ashkenazi Benei torah 250 years ago worked.

” It is the secularized Jews who changed.”

This is true


you kind of hit the nail on the head, but then dont follow through.

“For example, in EY today, the Chareidi world tends to be more hesitant than the Chareidi world in the US is about having secular studies.”

that is an understatement. The charedi world in EY has been militantly (at times literally) opposed to secular studies. Read Rav Shach’s Michtavim Umamarim (for example regarding Michlala) OR priro to that when R’ Hildesheimer wanted to oppen arabbinicla seminary.

” This is probably due at least in part to concern about secular-zionist influence.”

Exactly right! In repsonse to an outside threat a new dogma was written into Torah-True-Judasim TM. In the US it is a little less extreme in that sense there is some allowance for a degree.

But ask yoru average Charedi, if Somebody goes to a secular college can he be considered a Torah-True Jew?

This doent make it wrong. Based on new realities (eis laasos) things change. Kollel is now necessary to ensure a steady supply of benei Torah. College is assur (with few exceptions depending on circumstances) because of changes (that you identified) that have taken place.

“I’ve read that before the enlightenment, the number of Jews who were openly mechallel Shabbos could probably be counted on the fingers. Before then, virtually all Jews kept Shabbos, kashrus,”

youve read wrong. Open up any sefer you will find many refrences to Yidden Not performing mitzvos properly or at all. I can provide dozens of examples if needed but the to that pop to my mind are the Remah finding limud zechus for yayin nesech which yidden werent practicing. 1000’s of years before that Ezra criticizing intermarriage