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Zdad, AFAIK Tinok Shenishba refers to a Jew.
Tinok Sh. is not a concept used in relation to non-Jews who are required to keep 7 Mitzvos B’nei Noach.
That’s a pretty big “AFAIK” though. This is a serious subject and you don’t want to take my word for it.
Even I don’t want to take my word for it.
Unfortunately it looks like the more learned posters- the ones who can give us actual sources and proofs- are bored of, or uninterested in, this discussion.
The logical question to follow is how are they supposed to know the 7 Mitzvos? Are we expecting they would just figure them out their own?
It seems to me we’re expecting these Mitzvos to be the norm in civilized society. That’s if there is such a thing as civilized society in the secular world today. That would depend on how we define “civilized”.
If it’s enough to be connected in at least 3 ways to social media and to carry that connection around in your pocket wherever you go, then much of society today is civilized.
If we begin to impose certain behaviors and attitudes as a prerequisite for being called civilized, then I’m afraid we’re going to be wandering the streets like Yirmiyahu when he looked for one oseh mishpat mevakesh emunah.