Reply To: Charedi a Reaction to Haskalah

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I am not sure you know what the words ????? ????? means. And I am sure you did not understand ITFT meant.

A person is obligated by the halachos in the Torah. Someone who does not Joseph certain halachos would be consider a Tasha and there are specific treatment for a rasha. There are time that there is a “heter” called ????? ?????.

Normally one says that ignorance of the law does not exempt one from the law. I am pretty sure you strongly advocate that with US laws. There is no reason to say less for Halacha.

ITFT was explaining that there is no “heter” applicable to the ??? ????? ??? ??. It makes no difference if they are aboriginals or other indigenous people. Nowhere does it say that ??? ????? do not apply to them. It is your own unsubstantiated ?????.