Reply To: What's a Bungalow Colony?

Home Forums Local Catskills What's a Bungalow Colony? Reply To: What's a Bungalow Colony?

Little Froggie

1) Don’t know what a kibbutz is, but there’s generally no planting to do in the colonies

2) You (or me) can live there year round, if you’re a hermit, or absolutely allergic to other humans.

3) Some newer one do. So they facilitate the possibility of #2. Also many go up there for a Shabbos. (I’ve done it, exhilarating!!)

4) In case you haven’t figured it out – YES. The scenery is gorgeous – in ALL SEASONS!! Miles and miles and miles of just pure wilderness, HaShem’s nature the way Hes set it. It does wonders the the mind, body etc.

And btw, we LIVE there year round – it’s always on our (our family) mind. The summers we spend at our place give ‘chiyus’, life, energy, zest for the whole year!!